Hypogonadism Specialist

The Urology Group

Urologist located in Hardeeville, SC

If you frequently feel irritable or notice your sex drive isn’t what it used to be, you may have low testosterone levels caused by hypogonadism. At The Urology Group in Hardeeville, South Carolina, board-certified urologist, Manuel Perez, MD, understands that symptoms of low T can be overwhelming and confusing. Dr. Perez offers in-office blood tests to quickly identify low testosterone levels. He also provides a range of therapies to restore balance in your hormones and your body. Schedule an evaluation for hypogonadism and low T by calling The Urology Group or by requesting an appointment online now.

Hypogonadism Q & A

What is hypogonadism?

Hypogonadism is a condition that describes dysfunction in the testicles. The testicles are responsible for producing the male hormone testosterone and making sperm.

When there’s a structural problem with your testicle, or there’s a disruption in the signals from your brain to your testicles, you may not be able to produce enough testosterone for your body to function properly or enough sperm needed to achieve a pregnancy.

For many men, symptoms of low testosterone (low T) are the first indication there’s dysfunction in the testicles. Symptoms of low T can become severe enough to interfere with your quality of life.

What are the symptoms of low testosterone?

The testosterone hormone plays many roles in overall male health. When your testosterone levels are consistently low, you can experience symptoms like:

  • Low energy
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Changes in sex drive

Low T can also interfere with your ability to achieve a good quality of sleep and can lead to mental health issues, like depression and anxiety.

How is hypogonadism and low T diagnosed?

During your evaluation, Dr. Perez takes time to discuss your symptoms and their impact on your life and your sexual health. He also examines your testicles to check for swelling and other abnormalities.

To confirm your symptoms relate to hypogonadism and low testosterone levels, Dr. Perez requests a blood test to evaluate your hormone levels. Based on the severity of your symptoms and your testosterone levels, he creates a treatment plan that focuses on relieving symptoms and improving your overall quality of life.

What treatments are available for hypogonadism and low T?

The Urology Group is fully equipped with the latest treatment options for hypogonadism and low T, including hormone replacement therapy. Dr. Perez offers several methods of therapy, including:

Testosterone injections

Testosterone injections deliver supplemental testosterone into the body to restore healthy hormone levels and alleviate symptoms.

Throughout your therapy, Dr. Perez continues to monitor your hormone levels and symptoms and can adjust your dosages as needed. As your testosterone levels become stable, you should notice a significant decrease in your symptoms.

To schedule an evaluation for symptoms of hypogonadism and low T, call The Urology Group today, or request an appointment online now.