Male Contraception Specialist
The Urology Group
Urologist located in Hardeeville, SC
At The Urology Group in Hardeeville, South Carolina, experienced urologist, Manuel Perez, MD, offers methods of male contraception for men looking who want a permanent solution to birth control. Dr. Perez creates a custom contraceptive plan tailored to your unique goals and plans. To learn more about the benefits of male contraception, schedule a consultation at The Urology Group online or by phone today.
Male Contraception Q & A
What is male contraception?
Male contraception refers to medical interventions that prevent men from fathering a child. Men can use condoms as a method of birth control and to protect against sexually transmitted disease (STD).
For men who don’t want to have children or add more children to their existing family, Dr. Perez offers a minimally invasive vasectomy procedure as a permanent option for birth control..
What is a vasectomy?
A vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure that prevents sperm from reaching the semen involved in ejaculation as a means of birth control. Even though you still produce semen, the fluid won’t contain any sperm.
Dr. Perez provides nitrous oxide to keep you comfortable during in-office vasectomies. He can also recommend and perform surgery in the hospital in certain situations or when you need general anesthesia.
During a minimally invasive vasectomy, Dr. Perez makes one to two small incisions in the scrotum to reach the tubes that carry sperm to the semen. He cuts the tubes and may move a small piece before suturing the ends of the tubes closed.
Following the procedure, Dr. Perez closes the incisions in the scrotum with dissolvable sutures that will go away on their own as you heal.
How long does it take to recover from a vasectomy?
In the initial hours after your vasectomy, you may experience some discomfort or pain that you can relieve with over-the-counter pain medications. You may also find relief with ice therapy and by wearing a supportive jockstrap.
You can expect to go home following your in-office procedure and rest for the remainder of the day. Dr. Perez will provide information about any limitations in your usual activities, such as avoiding heavy lifting and sexual activity for some time.
In general, you can return to your usual routine within a week of your vasectomy, and Dr. Perez monitors your healing process through a follow-up appointment.
It’s important to note that you still need to use birth control, such as a condom, in the weeks after your vasectomy to prevent pregnancy. Although new sperm can’t enter the semen, you still have sperm in the tubes that need to clear before you can eliminate birth control. Dr. Perez can discuss how long you should use a condom based on your specific situation.
If you’re considering a vasectomy as a method of permanent birth control, schedule a consultation at The Urology Group by calling the office or by requesting a consultation online now.